
Welcome to the members only section of the website. You will need to register as a member in order to access this section. Membership allows you to connect with other members, view member photographs, and share your own photos. And it is free!

Steps to Joining:


Create Your Account
In the Member Login area, click on "Create an account" at the bottom (or click create an account here). Then just fill out the form and click Register. You will get an email to verify your new account. Simply click on the link in the email to verify.



Wait For Approval
In a day or so you will receive another email saying that your account has been activated. Now you can return to this page and login using the Member Login form.



Update Your Profile
Once you log in and are in the Member Directory, find and click on yourself in the list, click on Edit Profile, and update your information. Be sure to upload a picture of yourself for the Profile Picture, and add details about your military service for the Member Profile.



Connect With Others
Now you can search for others in the Member Directory and view their contact information. Using the Member Navigation, you also have access to the member Photo Gallery where you can view and search member photographs and also upload and share your own photos.



Member Section Tutorial:

This video is a tutorial of how to use the member section.